Wednesday 1 June 2011

Fuck DUBAI Police and ARAB basted in DUBAI ??

Cross-dressing women targeted in Dubai campaign
DUBAI // Police are launching a campaign against cross-dressing women.
The Government says boyat - loosely translated as tomboys - are indulging in a dangerous practice.
Officials from the police and the Community Development Authority said yesterday they would work together on plans to combat boyat.
"The security awareness administration at Dubai Police is currently planning the launch of campaigns targeting transsexuals, boyat, domestic violence and sexual harassment," police said in a statement.
Fears about boyat first surfaced in 2008, when Dubai Police called on the Government to carry out research into the trend.
Lt Gen Dahi Khalfan Tamim, the chief of Dubai Police, at the time denounced the practice, blaming co-educational schooling and calling on the Ministry of Social Affairs to determine the cause and extent of the problem.
Major Mohammed al Muhairi, the director of the criminal awareness department at Dubai Police, said yesterday: "The important issue is that along with the launch of the campaign, warnings have to be set for such activities and clear punishments have to be put in place.
"We are also collecting data on sexual harassment cases against youths to identify who are the most victimised, and then campaigning to them and raising their awareness to their rights.
"The campaigns will target youths and be divided into four segments covering transsexuality, boyat, broken families and sexual harassment. We are co-ordinating with the Ministry of Social Affairs and will be launching it soon."

Boyat met news of the campaign with indifference. They said they were already the target of similar efforts on school campuses and elsewhere in public.
"I didn't become a boyah because of something at school or because I met a boyah in a social gathering," said a 20-year-old Emirati woman, who declined to be identified by anything more than a nickname, Kool Boyah. "I am a boyah because of what happened at home."
Universities and radio and TV programmes regularly discuss this subculture, often saying parents are not involved enough with their daughters as they hit their turbulent teenage years.
"We are stigmatised and misunderstood," Kool Boyah said, adding she was abused by a male relative as a child. "I wanted to be tough and appear so through my choice of tomboyish clothes and attitude."
Boyat often wear masculine attire under their the abaya and shayla in public.
The phenomenon is also found in other Gulf states, with blogs, websites, online discussion groups and Facebook groups devoted to the movement.
Dr Alia Ibrahim, a family counsellor and life coach who has studied the issue, said "the reasons for the development of such behaviour are to rebel or to stand out, or even to change their identity".

Misguided sexual orientation, social differentiations between males and females, multiple marriages of the father and sexual assaults or harassment also contributed, Dr Ibrahim said.
According to Islamic tradition, it is forbidden for men and women to act like the opposite sex. Such behaviour is considered a deviance from God's plan and from nature.
"Men likening themselves to women and women to men, whether in clothing or the way they talk, walk or in their demeanour and appearance, is despised by any person whose nature has not been corrupted," a Friday sermon warned last year.

Prostitution in Dubai

 It is unthinkable to many that prostitution can exist in a place like Dubai where Islam is the predominant religion and where laws are very strict. The truth is, prostitution in Dubai has existed for some time now and is rapidly growing as the city is visited by more and more tourists every year.

Yes, welcome to reality. It does happen in Dubai and it happens a lot. The sad thing is that prostitution is illegal on paper. But practically speaking, it is commonly engaged in all over Dubai. There are so many places that are just flooded with prostitutes that are so obvious and yet ignored by the law officials.

Anyone can identify a prostitute in Dubai from miles away. In fact there are so many designated areas where you can find them anytime you go. Ant the most ironic thing is that the government blocks certain TV channels and Internet sites because of “offensive” material but yet you can just go out of your apartment and find 10 prostitutes right down the road from you.

I have seen prostitute centers right next to Mosques. How unbelievable is that? For you it may be but for the local Dubai resident it is part of daily life. It has become a norm in Dubai and it is quite acceptable.

The Alleged History of Prostitution

You will never hear this published anywhere (or not even discussed as much) but this is the kind of information we are thriving to get to you so that you know become aware of the objective facts and truth about Dubai.

The history behind the prostitution problem in Dubai stems back a just over a decade or so. It is an unspoken and unpublished truth and understanding amongst many that prostitution in Dubai became a regular occurrence once the expat population started to grow rapidly.

There were many cases of local Arabs kidnapping the wives of expat men who came to Dubai for work. The women were raped and returned back. And because Dubai is a Sheikdom and not a democracy, the laws of the Emirate were (and still are) monopolized and designed to favor the local National (citizen). Yes, they can pretty much do anything they want and get away with it.

This caused a lot of anger and frustration amongst the expat population and many started to leave Dubai. Dubai couldn’t afford this because it had a big need for labor. The local Dubai population is not very big. As I write this discussion in 2008, only 17% or so of Dubai is comprised of the local Nationals.

Prostitute Trafficking

Dubai knew it had to keep the workers in the Emirate. In an effort to do this, Dubai started engaging in prostitute trafficking. Basically importing women from Ukraine, Russia, China, Philippines and other countries, exploiting and forcing them to become prostitutes.

There have been many published cases of prostitute abuse in Dubai. Just search online and you will find a ton of cases. But rarely do websites talk about the who, what, why and when. That is why we are here!

By bringing in women from outside, Dubai created a flood of “prostitutes” that kept the local men entertained. Money has never been an issue for the local Nationals. By accepting prostitution as part of Dubai culture, Dubai made sure both the men and the prostitutes were benefiting from the deal.

And as the expatriate population grew, expat men started engaging in hiring prostitutes as well. Dubai is full on young single men who have well paying corporate jobs. These men are frequent visitors of prostitute houses.

As Dubai has become a hot spot for tourism, many tourists (men particularly) choose Dubai as a vacation spot mainly because of the open prostitution. Dubai is seen as a “sex heaven” much like places like the Philippines and Morocco.

So while it may come as a surprise to you to experience this sight first hand for the first time, don’t be surprised. Prostitution has become a part of Dubai culture (especially nightlife) and the law enforcement officials are sure to turn their eyes away from it anytime they see it. 

Prostitutes in Dubai

So what inspired this section? Well well I once wrote a post on our Blog about prostitution in Dubai and happened to include some places where you can spot prostitutes in Dubai.

Just minutes later I was bombarded by emails accusing me of promoting prostitution and provide a resource for others to come to my website and find out where they can go to find one. My friend, if you wanted to find one, you would with or without my help. That is a lame a reason to give me.

But thanks to the people who saw the glass half empty, my intention with the blog post was a half full one.

I wrote it so that I can alarm those who want to avoid places saturated with prostitutes.

Think about it, if you are going with your family, do you want to accidentally end up somewhere where there are prostitutes?

So hopefully my logic makes sense now?

It is not a surprise that prostitution exists in Dubai. Dubai has fame, fortune and a majority male population. It just makes sense. Read this section on prostitution in Dubai for some background information and a brief history lesson.

Just know that legally, to have sex with someone you are not married to is an offense (something to think about for the young single couples, especially if you live together).

Hopefully that will make you think thrice before getting involved with anything that has to do with the Dubai prostitutes (or in general). It is risky more than just from a legal perspective.

So whether you look at the glass as half full or half empty, here are some places loaded with prostitutes in Dubai:

  • Cyclone Club – the most famous or should I say INFAMOUS place where prostitutes hang out in Dubai
  • Radison SAS
  • Rattlesnake Club at the Metropolitan Hotel
  • The Al Nasr Square area
  • Rumours at the Ramada Hotel
  • The Regal Plaza Hotel
  • Stayin Alive at the Imperial Suites Hotel
  • Sea View Hotel – A big Filipino hang out
  • The Hyatt Regency in Deira.
  • The Red Square Club at the Moscow Hotel

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